Daniel Kwok

Fullstack Software Engineer

For fun/commercial projects I've built in the past.Please don't DDOS my projects

Ribbon Finance Clone

Demo: https://ribbonclone.danielkwok.com/

Github: https://github.com/danielkwok21/Ribbon-Finance-Clone

Frontend clone of https://app.ribbon.finance/. This was my first time playing with Typescript and I gotta say I'm sold from the first hour of using it. This clone, like the original calls coingecko's api (https://www.coingecko.com/en/api) as well for latest pricing information.

Stack: React.js, Node.js, Express, Typescript, Nginx, Docker


Demo: https://pomodoro.danielkwok.com/

Github: https://github.com/danielkwok21/Pomodoro

I'd always loved google's timer application. Simple, intuitive, no-fluff app. However somehow I wasn't able to access it since a couple weeks back, so I decided to build one myself. Took me about 1 day, but do I noticed the huge amount of UIUX work done to create such a seamless experience, especially the inputs for specifying the duration. Like they say, simple is hard.

Stack: html, css, Nginx

Learn Envoy

Github: https://github.com/danielkwok21/learnEnvoy

Catch-all repo for learning how Envoy works. I use a modified version in my company, so learning from that mature repo was a little overwhelming. So I decided to create this practice repo for myself for all envoy-related learnings, with the hopes of some carry over to my day job. The first couple weeks was tough, because you don't get to "console.log" your way to debug issues, for it's essentially a huge, huge config file where either everything works, or nothing does. But once you've got the hang of reading the documentation, it'll be much more manageable.